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What are the names of Cable Car manufacturers in Spain?

What are the names of Cable Car manufacturers in Spain? CABLE CAR  Cable Car    Introduction   Cable Car is looks like a vehicle but it is operated with connection of cables which is used for mass transits from one place to another places. Cable ca r is fully connected with heavy wires and cables as per their capacity of transiting loads and because its shape like a vehicle type so it is called Cable Car . What are the names of Cable Car manufacturers in Spain? In another words  Cable car,  The vehicle which is suspended in the air by a cable. Cable railway, in which the vehicle rests on the rail or road. Cable car (railway), a type of cable transport used for large transi t Types Of Cable Cars -  Mainly  Cable cars are categorized in  three types as per their works--    1.    Aerial transport 2.    Surface transport 3.    Vertical Transport These are the three type of cable cars are mainly used in across the world for

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